Before Investing in Home Automation-Key #4



While  automation can be installed in any dwelling, the strength of your network and wiring is extremely important. The type of wiring recommended for a home automation system is called “structured wiring”—a wiring foundation that provides an effective communications infrastructure for home networking and telecommunications.

With new construction, plans can be made in advance so you can figure out where you want all of your Ethernet connections to be, and you may want to run additional cabling throughout your home for future expansion. With an existing home, the installer will want to minimize the number of holes that will need to be cut in the walls.

Next week, we’ll look at the final key to consider before investing in a home automation system.

Questions? Ask the here or email  SpaceCoast AV Communications at

Exclusive: Launching Sky Star TV Online



logoPleased to announce eWave TV’s  The Sky Star Channel will be launching on Halloween. Tell Your Friends and Family You saw it here first…

Robert Joy of CSI:NY stars in the Horror/Comedy, “The Master and Me”

Key # 3 ~ Before Investing in Home Automation…

ImageWhile home automation solutions can be simple enough for everyone in your house to use, your system will be a complex design, linking multiple devices in your home to make it possible for them to communicate over a network. Naturally, this is the kind of work that requires a professional with the tools, training and experience to understand how to get everything working together. We call this professional a Sr. Design Engineer. Certified after rigorous training, your Design Engineer is equipped to work closely with you, from designing and installing your system to teaching everyone in the house how to use it. We can  also provide ongoing support and upgrades after the system is up and running.

Social Media Strategy Critical to Success of Political Campaign

It’s time again to begin thinking about and planning for the 2014 round of elections. This means TV ads, debates, public appearances, pictures of politicians holding children – all part of a typical political campaign. The savvy, modern politician also knows that their social media strategy is critical to the success of their political campaign.

For example, California representative Eric Swalwell made news by being the first-ever congressman to broadcast his vote via Vine, a social media network that has recently outgrown the epithet of “fledgling.” It was a six-second clip of him voting “nay” to the GOP’s attempts to decrease health protection for women. Needless to say, this made him quite popular not just among women, but also among youths and users of the social media technology.

It’s worth pointing out how recognizable Swalwell became simply because he posted some good content in a low-competition area. Only ten Senators currently use a social media app for their campaigns, despite the Senate having released an official statement of approval on using Twitter’s video-sharing app.

Below  are some more tips on using social media effectively in a political campaign:


  • Getting there first. Dear Mr. Swalwell, thanks for the lesson learned!
  • Learn the niche of the network. On Twitter, this means being able to write a short but meaningful message that generates enough interests to get clicks. On Vine, this means capturing something memorable in six seconds. On Facebook, it could mean a bunch of different things depending on the brand and the audience. It’s all about doing what’s right for the medium and the people who use it.
  • Ask questions. People want to feel like their representatives are personable and want to hear what they say. No matter if you’re a brand, an individual, or a political campaign, your audience will be engaged by questions.
  • Stay human. No one wants to feel like their representatives are untouchable gods in the sky – it’s good to have a witty statement here, an update on the politician’s life there. These should not be the majority, however.
  • Recognize your followers. Say a certain political campaign stands behind increasing funds for education. Wouldn’t it be great to ask your followers for children’s hand-written messages and drawings – and then to share them? This kind of move is adaptable to many different platforms. The Internet is no longer a one-way information street. Recognize and learn from your followers.
  • Finally, have great content. It’s been rehashed so many times, but there’s no way around this one. Everyone looking to be successful on social media needs to have the content to back them up. Link to relevant articles and news, post meaningful pictures and videos, and don’t post anything unnecessary  (i.e. “Good night!”).

Special recognition to Author Anqi Cong for this content.

SpaceCoast AV Communications provides the Audio and Visual products, technologies and integrated solutions that bring people together; allowing people to share ideas and thoughts through media rich communications and collaboration solutions. We bring the value of  allowing people and organizations the ability to focus on what they need to do, better, faster and more efficiently.


5 Keys to a Successful Home Automation Investment, Key #2

Welcome Back to Key #2 in this 5 part blog. Yesterday, we looked at whether or not you have the right home. We came to the conclusion that Home automation systems can be installed in all types of homes, from the newest, most modern houses to those that have been standing for years.

Today, we want to determine what you want to automate:

So your second key to ensuring an awesome return on your home automation investment is to consider your lifestyle. Ask yourself what automated solutions would make your life easier and more pleasant. Do you want to get rid of the stack of remotes for all your audio-visual equipment? Do you want the ability to listen to your music collection virtually anywhere in your house? Do you want all of the lights in your house to go off when you leave? Do you want to be able to check on your home from anywhere in the world to make sure it’s secure?

ControlWhether wired or wireless, you can automate practically any electronic device in and around your home. You can automate your swimming pool or spa, inside and outside lights, electronic gates, sprinkler system, garage doors, music, movies, television, heating and cooling, security system, door locks, security cameras, and on and on. The possibilities are virtually endless.


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5 keys to a successful home automation investment

This week I want to walk you through five (5) things you should consider before investing in home automation. Today, consider…

1. Do you have the right home for automation?

It’s surprising how many homeowners don’t ever consider automating their home, either because they think they can’t afford it or they think it will be too difficult to install in an existing home.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. There is no need to plan around new construction to get what you want in an automation system. Home automation systems offered by SpaceCoast AV Communications can be installed in all types of homes, from the newest, most modern houses to those that have been standing for years.

home automation





And with SpaceCoast AV Communication, you can start small and dream big. Your system can grow with your needs and your budget, from a basic system to a fully automated home.

Come back tomorrow or sign up to follow our blog for part 2 in this 5 part blog.